About Me

I'm a Computer Engineering student at the University of Virginia, also pursuing a minor in engineering business. I'm also one of only 17 selected students in Cohort 6 of the A. James Clark Scholars Program at the University of Virginia. My ultimate goal is to become a software engineer after I graduate, although my precise focus within the field remains to be determined. I'm excited to share my journey, projects, and experiences with you on this website. Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy learning more about me and my work.
  • Programming:
      Python, Java
  • Web-development:
      HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Microsoft Office:
      Word, Excel
  • Nothing Relevant:
      I'm working on it
  • University of Virginia (August 2023 - Present):
      Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Minor in Engineering Business


Project 1: Personal Portfolio Website  

This project is my personal, professional portfolio website, which is the very website you are currently on. This website was created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The server is hosted through GitHub, and the domain is registered and bought through Namecheap.

Project 2: AI Tic-Tac-Toe Application  

This project is an AI Tic-Tac-Toe application written in Python. Within the application, the user can either play a regular game of Tic-Tac-Toe with two players or go against the computer. The AI program is coded to implement a Pure Monte-Carlo Tree Search Algorithm. Within the AI program, the user also has the choice to set the difficulty of the computer model.

Project 3: Pacman Replica  

This project replicates the old Pac-Man game written in Python utilizing Pygame and the University of Virginia's Game Engine (UVAGE). The game's objective is to collect all coins without touching any ghosts within the given time. All of the ghosts' movements are completely randomized. Once the game is over (either by completion or failure), the user is prompted to either restart the game or quit.

Project 4: Task Manager App  

This project is a web-browser task manager application written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It contains a basic model of a to-do list categorized by different classes, a Pomodoro timer, and essential date, time, and weather information, as well as a study playlist. More information on the functionalities of the web application can be found on the GitHub page linked above.

The web-application can be accessed here.

Project 3: Live Sports App  

This project is a full-stack live API application for sports score updates. This application is designed to provide real-time scores across various sports, including soccer, basketball, football, and more. The application is built utilizing React on the front end and Django on the back end, ensuring a seamless, responsive user experience.


+1 (703) 909-7009

Website made and designed by Titus Lee